Are goals egotistical? Let’s see...

So as I was working today I had the thought that goals may somehow actually be egotistical, meaning a projected false self-image. Sometimes we use our goals as our security blanket to try to prove something innate about what type of person we must be. I mean, as a man thinketh so is he, right? Or said differently, as a man has a goal so is he.

Working towards goals shows character but goals alone do not prove anything. Anyone can blow smoke out their butts with lofty goals but real heros and heroins put their money where their mouth is and capitalize on opportunity as it collides with preparation.

Even though simply having a goal does not equal reality, goals are good. Small goals are better on your ego than big ones in the short run.  Big goals are important but not as important as small actions day in and day out as habits of success. Sometimes we think that having a goal is as admirable as if we had actually already achieved it. After-all, aren’t some goals more praiseworthy than others?

Goals do need to be inflated in a way in order to stretch you but you need to realize that it may mean that you have to change who you are to achieve them. Goals are a commitment to change. If they weren’t you would currently be living the reality captured by them.