Why luxury?

Luxury is a thing of the mind. Ought you not grow your mind more than any other thing? You’re mind may be rich long before you ever, if ever, gain any earthly possessions. That is what life is about, gaining wisdom with our intelligence, and love with our tenderness.

Self-mastery is worth more than all the riches in the world. It’s in the way that we feed and use our mind to grow itself. The way we think repeatedly determines our true net worth. True thought is power and wealth personified. No one can keep the hungry mind poor.

The mind is a perfect tool used for any number of tasks. Problem-solving is a talent of the informed mind. Problems are not a source of luxury alone but answers are. Absolute truth lends us the capacity to retain knowledge from our experiences.

You’re mind can do unlimited things and solve problems that you never knew could be solved. It can make outlandish improvements in very short periods of time if given the correct information and stimulus. Stimulus is power to the mind when mixed with truth and active desire.

Your mind looks for refreshment and enlightenment when it is healthy and trained to crave goodness and growth. If you think the right thoughts you can have whatever it is that you want.

It will take time and effort. It will take learning, hard work, and diligent persistence. It will be fun because progress always is. It will take discipline and drive. What more could you ever want than riches, treasure, power, mastery, knowledge, insight, truth, and wisdom for the mind?